Peaceful Peniche

OCTOBER 17th, 2016

It's Monday morning, and we've spent the weekend in Peniche. This is a fishermens village, that they share with several hundred surfers. The weather forecast isn't too great, cloudy and showers and little to no wind. We got to Peniche on Friday, after a 23-hour sail from Porto. Our plan was originally to stay a night in Peniche, and then continue our southbound journey. However, Saturday disappeared without us noticing and suddenly there wasn't enough daylight left Sunday either. While here we've wandered about town. Been amazed by the cliffs and beaches, relentlessly accepting the Atlantic. Admired the many surfers. Had dinner with a retired, Swedish diver, now sailor (bound for the Pacific). Reorganised the clothing storage and made a plan to reorganise our food storages.  

Sunday afternoon was spent in each of our bunks, while quiet rain drummed on our deck. We read books and wrote in our diaries. I've summed up the trip till now, both places and feelings. As I've told you before, I can't wrap my head around the fact that the everyday life of Oslo is going about as usual. Once we are with Paloma, it feels as tho we enter a parallel universe. The worries and anxiety disappear, and other feelings reemerge in their place. New surroundings, proximity to the sun and the rain, fresh air and adventurous people have woken dormant happy feelings with weeks. I am now more curious, more playful, more happy. It feels amazing.

Today we're wrapped in thick clouds, and the air is filled with the promise of rain. We are about to have breakfast, before preparing food to eat under way, and ready the ship for sea. Our first stop is Ilha Berlenga, just outside in the ocean. After an afternoon of exploration there, we'll set sails for Cascais overnight. Hopefully we'll get in with the sunrise in the morning tomorrow.